Land of the Rising Sun,Japan

A country that lies in East Asia with more than 6,000 islands that surrounds her,populations of 126 million Japanese,is the Tenth in the World,approximately 9.1 million people live in Tokyo,the capital of Japan.The Japanese people has one of the highest standard of living in the World with the third world largest economy by nominal GDP and fourth largest in the world in Exporter and Importer.

The country has 4 main islands Hokkaido in the north,Honshu,Shikoku and Kyushu.In the south with Okinawa part of the Ryukyu islands south of Kyushu.Consist of  47 Prefectures and are divided into 8 Regions.

8 Regions in Japan:

Hokkaido,located in the island of Hokkaido in  the northern end of Japan,Capital,Sapporo.
Tohoku,consist of the northeastern portion of Honshu.
Shikoku,is the smallest and less populous of the four main islands of Japan.Located in south of Honshu and  east of the island of Kyushu.
Kyushu,is the third largest island of Japan and most southwesterly of its four main islands.

Airports in Japan;
The country has 98 airports,of which 28 were operated by the central government and 64 by local governments.

 There are several third class airports and other airports around Japan.with domestic flights,military use,individual and corporate use.

Japan attracted almost 20 million Foreign visitors in 2015.The Chinese tourists are the number one  visitors of Japan last year with almost 5 million,next is South Korea roughly 4 million,Taiwan with 3.6 million,Hongkong,United States,Thailand,Australia,Singapore,Malaysia,Philippines and other countries also contribute foreign tourism in Japan.
Japanese government hope to receive 40 million Foreign tourist every year by 2020.

List of some of Japan's Landmarks;

Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area,includes a varieties of buildings in Horyu-ji and hokki-ji in Ikaruga,Narra Prefecture,Japan.The structures inscribed are some of the oldest extant wooden buildings in the world,dating from the 7th and 8th centuries.The structures include 21 buildings in the Horyu-ji East Temple,9 in the West Temple,17 monastery and other buildings and the pagoda in Hokki-ji.
Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto,encompasses 17 locations in Japan,the locations are in three cities Kyoto and Uji in Kyoto Prefecture and Otsu in Shiga Prefecture.Of the Monuments,13 are Buddhist Temple,three are Shinto Shrine and one is a Castle
Gusuku sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu,consist of nine sites all located at Osaka Prefecture Japan.The sites includes two utaki(or secret sites,one a gate and the other a glove),the Tamaudun mausoleum,one garden,five gusuku castle sites.
Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kik Mountain Range,the locations and paths of the sites was base on their historical and modern importance in religious Pilgrimage a well documented history of tradition over 1,200 years.
Historic Monuments and Sites of Hiraizumi,is a grouping of five sites from late eleventh and twelfth century in Hiraizumi,Iwate Prefecture,Japan.
Yakushima,is one of the Osumi Islands belonging to Kagoshima Prefecture,Japan.The island,504.88 km² in area,has a populations of 13,000.The wetland at Nagata-hama was designated as Ramsar sites,it is the largest nesting ground of the endangered Loggerhead sea turtle in the North Pacific.
Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Site,is Japan's oldest modern model silk reeling factory,establish in 1872 by the government to introduce the modern machine silk reeling from France.Its is a big factory in Tomioka,Gunma Prefecture,Japan.
Shrines and Temples of Nikko,encompasses 103 buildings or structures and the natural settings around them.It is located in Nikko,Tochigi Prefecture,Japan.The buildings to two Shinto Shrines,and one Buddhist Temple.Nine of the structures are designated as National Treasures of Japan,while the remaining 94 Important Cultural Properties  of Japan.
Shiretoko National Park,cover of the Shiretoko Peninsula at the northeastern tip of the island of Hokkaido,Japan.One of the most remote region in all of  Japan.The park is best known as the home of Japan's Brown Bear.
Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama,the sites located in the Shogawa river valley stretching across the border of Gifu and Toyama Prefectures in central Japan.The area is divided between the former villages of Kamitaira and Taira in Nanto in Toyama Prefecture.
Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine and It's Cultural Landscape,was an underground silver mine in the city of Oda in Shimane Prefecture on the main island of Honshu,Japan.

All over Japan,in every Prefectures there are several Points of Interest,likes Parks,Shrines,Temples,Monuments and other famous key sites.Some of this are nominated by UNESCO,World Heritage Site.And they are assessable thru airports,ferries and railways.

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